在多模式的多代理轨迹预测中,尚未完全解决两个主要挑战:1)如何测量相互作用模块引起的不确定性,从而导致多个试剂的预测轨迹之间引起相关性; 2)如何对多个预测进行排名并选择最佳预测轨迹。为了应对这些挑战,这项工作首先提出了一个新颖的概念,协作不确定性(CU),该概念模拟了互动模块引起的不确定性。然后,我们使用原始置换量等不确定性估计器来构建一般的CU感知回归框架,以完成回归和不确定性估计任务。此外,我们将提出的框架应用于当前的SOTA多代理多模式预测系统作为插件模块,该模块使SOTA系统能够达到1)估计多代理多模式轨迹预测任务的不确定性; 2)对多个预测进行排名,并根据估计的不确定性选择最佳预测。我们对合成数据集和两个公共大规模多代理轨迹预测基准进行了广泛的实验。实验表明:1)在合成数据集上,Cu-Aware回归框架允许模型适当地近似地面真相拉普拉斯分布; 2)在多代理轨迹预测基准上,Cu-Aware回归框架稳步帮助SOTA系统改善了其性能。特别是,提出的框架帮助Vectornet在Nuscenes数据集中所选最佳预测的最终位移误差方面提高了262 cm; 3)对于多机构多模式轨迹预测系统,预测不确定性与未来随机性呈正相关; 4)估计的CU值与代理之间的交互式信息高度相关。
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揭开多个代理之间的相互作用与过去的轨迹之间的相互作用至关重要。但是,以前的作品主要考虑与有限的关系推理的静态,成对的相互作用。为了促进更全面的互动建模和关系推理,我们提出了Dyngroupnet,这是一个动态群体感知的网络,i)可以在高度动态的场景中建模时间变化的交互; ii)捕获配对和小组互动; iii)理由互动强度和类别没有直接监督。基于Dyngroupnet,我们进一步设计了一个预测系统,以预测具有动态关系推理的社会合理轨迹。提出的预测系统利用高斯混合模型,多个抽样和预测细化,分别促进预测多样性,训练稳定性和轨迹平滑度。广泛的实验表明:1)dyngroupnet可以捕获随时间变化的群体行为,在轨迹预测过程中推断时间变化的交互类别和相互作用强度,而无需在物理模拟数据集上进行任何关系监督; 2)dyngroupnet优于最先进的轨迹预测方法,其显着改善22.6%/28.0%,26.9%/34.9%,5.1%/13.0%的ADE/FDE在NBA,NFL足球和SDD Datasets上的ADE/FDE并在ETH-COY数据集上实现最先进的性能。
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Recent advances in neural rendering imply a future of widespread visual data distributions through sharing NeRF model weights. However, while common visual data (images and videos) have standard approaches to embed ownership or copyright information explicitly or subtly, the problem remains unexplored for the emerging NeRF format. We present StegaNeRF, a method for steganographic information embedding in NeRF renderings. We design an optimization framework allowing accurate hidden information extractions from images rendered by NeRF, while preserving its original visual quality. We perform experimental evaluations of our method under several potential deployment scenarios, and we further discuss the insights discovered through our analysis. StegaNeRF signifies an initial exploration into the novel problem of instilling customizable, imperceptible, and recoverable information to NeRF renderings, with minimal impact to rendered images. Project page: https://xggnet.github.io/StegaNeRF/.
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Utilities of knowledge graphs (KGs) depend on their qualities. A KG that is of poor quality not only has little applicability but also leads to some unexpected errors. Therefore, quality evaluation for KGs is crucial and indispensable. Existing methods design many quality dimensions and calculate metrics in the corresponding dimensions based on details (i.e., raw data and graph structures) of KGs for evaluation. However, there are two major issues. On one hand, they consider the details as public information, which exposes the raw data and graph structures. These details are strictly confidential because they involve commercial privacy or others in practice. On the other hand, the existing methods focus on how much knowledge KGs have rather than KGs' practicability. To address the above problems, we propose a knowledge graph quality evaluation framework under incomplete information (QEII). The quality evaluation problem is transformed into an adversarial game, and the relative quality is evaluated according to the winner and loser. Participants of the game are KGs, and the adversarial gameplay is to question and answer (Q&A). In the QEII, we generate and train a question model and an answer model for each KG. The question model of a KG first asks a certain number of questions to the other KG. Then it evaluates the answers returned by the answer model of the other KG and outputs a percentage score. The relative quality is evaluated by the scores, which measures the ability to apply knowledge. Q&A messages are the only information that KGs exchange, without exposing any raw data and graph structure. Experimental results on two pairs of KGs demonstrate that, comparing with baselines, the QEII realizes a reasonable quality evaluation from the perspective of third-party evaluators under incomplete information.
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Knowledge Distillation (KD) transfers the knowledge from a high-capacity teacher model to promote a smaller student model. Existing efforts guide the distillation by matching their prediction logits, feature embedding, etc., while leaving how to efficiently utilize them in junction less explored. In this paper, we propose Hint-dynamic Knowledge Distillation, dubbed HKD, which excavates the knowledge from the teacher' s hints in a dynamic scheme. The guidance effect from the knowledge hints usually varies in different instances and learning stages, which motivates us to customize a specific hint-learning manner for each instance adaptively. Specifically, a meta-weight network is introduced to generate the instance-wise weight coefficients about knowledge hints in the perception of the dynamical learning progress of the student model. We further present a weight ensembling strategy to eliminate the potential bias of coefficient estimation by exploiting the historical statics. Experiments on standard benchmarks of CIFAR-100 and Tiny-ImageNet manifest that the proposed HKD well boost the effect of knowledge distillation tasks.
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用于提取和抽象性摘要系统的传统培训范例始终仅使用令牌级别或句子级培训目标。但是,始终从摘要级别评估输出摘要,从而导致培训和评估的不一致。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于对比度学习的重新排列框架,用于一阶段的摘要,称为COLO。通过建模对比目标,我们表明摘要模型能够根据摘要级别的分数直接生成摘要,而无需其他模块和参数。广泛的实验表明,CORO在CNN/DailyMail基准测试中提高了单阶段系统的提取和抽象结果,将其提高到44.58和46.33 Rouge-1得分,同时保留了参数效率和推断效率。与最先进的多阶段系统相比,我们节省了100多个GPU训练时间,并在推理期间获得3〜8加速比,同时保持可比的结果。
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自我监督学习(SSL)在各种下游视觉任务上表现出色。已经提出了两个主流SSL框架,即实例歧视(ID)和蒙版图像建模(MIM)。 ID从同一图像中汇总了不同视图的表示,同时避免了特征崩溃。它在线性探测器上表现良好,但在检测性能方面较低。另一方面,MIM重建了给定的蒙版图像的原始内容。它在密集的预测下表现出色,但在线性探测方面表现不佳。它们的区别是由于忽略语义一致性或空间敏感性的表示要求而引起的。具体而言,我们观察到(1)语义对齐要求在语义上相似的观点要投影到附近的代表中,这可以通过将不同的观点与强烈的增强进行对比来实现; (2)空间灵敏度需要对图像中的局部结构进行建模。因此,用掩盖图像预测致密表示是有益的,因为它模拟了图像含量的条件分布。在这些分析的驱动下,我们提出了暹罗图像建模(SIM),该图像模型(SIM)预测了增强视图的密集表示,基于来自同一图像的另一种掩盖视图,但具有不同的增强。我们的方法使用一个带有两个分支的暹罗网络。在线分支编码第一个视图,并根据这两个视图之间的相对位置预测第二视图的表示。目标分支通过编码第二视图来产生目标。通过这种方式,我们能够分别使用ID和MIM实现可比的线性探测和密集的预测性能。我们还证明,可以在没有全球损失的情况下获得体面的线性探测结果。代码应在https://github.com/fundamentalvision/siamese-image-modeling上发布。
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Recently, contrastive learning attracts increasing interests in neural text generation as a new solution to alleviate the exposure bias problem. It introduces a sequence-level training signal which is crucial to generation tasks that always rely on auto-regressive decoding. However, previous methods using contrastive learning in neural text generation usually lead to inferior performance. In this paper, we analyse the underlying reasons and propose a new Contrastive Neural Text generation framework, CoNT. CoNT addresses bottlenecks that prevent contrastive learning from being widely adopted in generation tasks from three aspects -- the construction of contrastive examples, the choice of the contrastive loss, and the strategy in decoding. We validate CoNT on five generation tasks with ten benchmarks, including machine translation, summarization, code comment generation, data-to-text generation and commonsense generation. Experimental results show that CoNT clearly outperforms the conventional training framework on all the ten benchmarks with a convincing margin. Especially, CoNT surpasses previous the most competitive contrastive learning method for text generation, by 1.50 BLEU on machine translation and 1.77 ROUGE-1 on summarization, respectively. It achieves new state-of-the-art on summarization, code comment generation (without external data) and data-to-text generation.
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自我监督的学习表明它有可能在没有人为注释的情况下提取强大的视觉表现。提出各种作品从不同的角度处理自我监督的学习:(1)对比学习方法(例如,MOCO,SIMCLR)利用阳性和阴性样品来引导训练方向; (2)不对称网络方法(例如,BYOL,SIMSIAM)通过引入预测器网络和止动梯度操作来摆脱阴性样本; (3)特征去相关方法(例如,Barlow Twins,ViCREG),而是旨在降低特征尺寸之间的冗余。这些方法在各种动机的设计损失功能中看起来非常不同。最终的准确度数也各不相同,其中不同的网络和技巧在不同的作品中使用。在这项工作中,我们证明这些方法可以统一成相同的形式。我们不是比较他们的损失函数,我们通过梯度分析推出统一的公式。此外,我们进行公平和详细的实验以比较他们的表现。事实证明,这些方法之间几乎没有差距,并且使用动量编码器是提高性能的关键因素。从这个统一的框架来看,我们提出了一个简单但有效的自我监督学习的简单但有效的渐变形式。它不需要内存银行或预测的网络,但仍然可以实现最先进的性能,并轻松采用其他培训策略。广泛的线性评估实验和许多下游任务也表现出其有效性。代码应释放。
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